40 is too old to start a new, she said

40 is too old she said to herself. . .

I had a women come into the store recently. Through conversation she lead herself to believe she was “too old” to start a second career at 40 and she was stuck.

This struck a cord deep inside of me. I felt heat rise up inside of my body and the words try to escape my mouth. But I settled myself and proceeded to ask questions.

Why would she limit herself? Who told her she could not reinvent herself? Who says 40 is too late, Don Lemon? That guy is yesterdays news.

Some of the greatest people we know did not produce their greatest works until late into their life.

Samuel Jackson got his first major role acting at 47 in Pulp Fiction.

Julia Child did not eat French food until she was 36. She studied hard until she was able to host the French Chef at 51.

Martha Stewart’s life did not materialize until she started writing cook books in her 40s.

I took my first hat making class with Wayne Wichern 2 months into my 40 birthday. My life has never been the same since.

Angela (pictured here) started her public school teaching career at 38 and loves it!

Jill addressed her sexuality at 40 and went on her first date with a woman.

According to a study from the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER), 82% of adults 47 and older who attempted a career change after the age of 45 were ultimately successful.

I left that conversation fully aware we limit ourselves by what we think, what we say and finally what we don’t do.

The first step is to get out of your own way by telling yourself yes you can!

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