Meet Alex

Meet Alex, our E-commerce Manager & niece to Jac!

Alex began her journey with FauxyFurr at just twelve years old. Jac recalls her asking if she had any small tasks she could do in order to earn money to buy her mother and siblings gifts (YES, she’s the sweetest). Fast forward to today— 9 years later, Alex has become FauxyFurr’s E-commerce guru!

A bit about Alex: 

Alex says that growing up her style did not always fit into the FauxyFurr aesthetic. However, after graduating from high school her confidence began to build and a style of her own emerged. First experimenting with FauxyFurr’s boho boots, then feather earrings, and finally hats. Her confidence and style has flourished. Being a kindergarten teacher, Alex says “it’s essential that her wardrobe is filled with comfortable pieces that can be cleaned easily and represent her own personal flare.” Adding that FauxyFurr’s pink Frye boots are a staple in her closet. Come say howdy and take a boot selfie with Alex!

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