My life has completely changed for better & for worse

It’s been 5 months since we opened our own brick n mortar & 5 months since my life completely changed for better & for worse.

For better?
I am surrounded by a team of women I hand picked, who believe in my vision and show up weekly, excited to make it a reality.

We all want to feel useful and our super powers vary from age 16 to age 61. It’s my responsibility to see this variation and adjust my asks so these women feel seen & heard & appreciated.

For worse?
I miss being unavailable. My time no longer feels like mine.

If I’m in the building during open or closed hours, it’s assumed I’m available. I have yet to hear people ask, “Is this a good time for you?” Although I would probably just say, “yes”, out of obligation. 😝

My creative process has always required silence, long stretches of uninterrupted time, the ability to dig in and do the work.

But now with each interruption I feel a residue left behind as I attempt to go back to the place I was before the interruption.

I’ve recently taken on a life coach to help me navigate these obstacles with clarity. It’s so easy to focus on the micro and miss the macro. We meet once a week, for a one-hour phone call.

Often, I enter the call feeling wound up, and almost annoyed I have to stop what I’m doing BUT I always finish the call feeling calm & clear.

If you think you would benefit from a life coach, I have a recommendation. I’ve witnessed her magic in several of my friends lives.

Jac 💛

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